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Where young talents and students from South East Asian countries meet their future professional companies.

South East Asian Career Fair 2024

The first biggest Career Fair for Southeast Asian Communities in Germany

In Frankfurt, Germany, a groundbreaking event is set to revolutionize career opportunities for both students and companies—the inaugural Southeast Asian Students Career Fair. This event offers students a platform to showcase their skills and cultural richness to prospective employers while providing companies access to a diverse talent pool with fresh perspectives.

For students/alumni and young professionals from Southeast Asian Countries in Germany, participation means more than securing a job—it's about finding a place where their talents and cultural backgrounds are celebrated. It's your opportunity to meet your favorite companies and introduce yourself and your works personally. It's an opportunity to explore diverse career paths, gain industry insights, and foster a sense of belonging in the workplace. Students, young professionals, Azubis, duales Studium and freelancers are all welcome.

For companies in Germany or companies that want to extend their business in Southeast Asia, this fair opens doors to tapping into highly talented individuals with unique cultural perspectives. Present your company with your booth, and get in contact directly with your future talents. Embracing this diversity not only enriches the professional environment but also fosters innovation and cross-cultural understanding.

Overall, the Southeast Asian Students Career Fair 2024 promises to be a catalyst for meaningful connections, driving both business success and cultural enrichment in the professional field.

This event is a collaboration of Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt (IHK), Europa Union Frankfurt and Indonesian Students Organization in Germany (PPIJ).

There will be free drinks and snacks provided for all participants.

Find out more informations and register below.

When? Where? How? Contacts?


Date & Time

Registration Fee


IHK Frankfurt, Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main

Friday, June 14, 2024, from 10 am to 4 pm.

- For students and young professionals free entry

- Companies pay a contribution of 500 Euros, in order to have a booth.

Both need to fill the form below.

Companies - Klaus Klipp (EUF)

Students - PPI Jerman


Some last steps to your new groundbreaking career opportunities!

Thanks for submitting!

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