Policy Statements
Europa Union Deutschland
Hertenstein Program, 21.09.1946
1. A European community established on a federal basis is a necessary and essential component of any real world union.
2. In accordance with the federalist principles which demand democratic construction from the bottom up, the European community of nations should itself settle the disputes which may arise between its members.
3. The European Union shall be integrated into the United Nations Organization and shall constitute a regional body within the meaning of Article 52 of the Charter.
4. The members of the European Union shall transfer part of their economic, political and military sovereignty to the federation which they have formed.
5. The European Union shall be open to accession by all peoples of European character who recognize its principles.
6. The European Union shall define the rights and duties of its citizens in the Declaration of European Citizens' Rights.
7. This declaration is based on respect for man, in his responsibility towards the various communities to which he belongs.
8. The European Union shall provide for planned reconstruction and for economic, social and cultural cooperation, and shall ensure that technical progress is used only in the service of mankind.
9. The European Union is directed against no one and renounces all power politics, but also refuses to be an instrument of any foreign power.
10. Within the framework of the European Union, regional sub-unions based on free agreement are permissible and even desirable.
11. Only the European Union will be able to ensure the integrity of the territory and the preservation of the distinctiveness of all its peoples, greater or lesser.
12. By proving that it can solve its own destiny questions in the spirit of federalism, Europe shall contribute to the reconstruction and to a world union of peoples.