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Local Elections Frankfurt 2021

Europa Union Frankfurt

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Sunday, 14 March 2021

08:00 - 18:00 CET



Everybody has a vote. On 14 March 2021, the election of the city council (Stadtverordnetenversammlung) and the 16 district councils (Ortsbeiräte) will take place in Frankfurt am Main. In addition, the Hessian state parliament has decided to combine the election for the Foreigner Advisory Council (Kommunale Ausländer Vertretung - KAV) with the election for the city council. Thus, a total of 3 elections will take place on election day in Frankfurt am Main.

About 20% of eligible voters are citizens of the European Union who are not Germans.


Why vote? Citizens elect their representatives, and citizens have the final say in our democratic society. By voting, we protect our democratic society. Not voting will allow enemies of our system, populists, incompetent people, etc., to take over, and we are in for a bad surprise.

  1. To protect our democratic society.

  2. To provide excellent public health services for citizens and good conditions for health workers.

  3. To develop sustainable infrastructures & environment.

  4. To ensure a trouble-free adaptation and application of digitalisation.


Sunday, 14 March 2021

08:00 - 18:00 CET


You will find your assigned polling place on your election notification (Wahlbenachrichtigung) sent to you by the city. Polling places are usually located near your home.



EU citizens:

  1. City Council (Stadtverordnetenversammlung - StVV)

  2. District Council, there are 16 in Frankfurt (Ortsbeiräte - OBR)

Non-EU citizens :

  1. Foreigner Advisory Council (KAV)

Any non-German resident in Frankfurt may also vote for the KAV


If you are a registered resident in Frankfurt, the Wahlamt (electoral board) will send you your election notification (Wahlbenachrichtigung) in February to participate in the election. Once you received these, you can apply for an absentee ballot. You can vote by absentee ballot at home, on-site at the Wahlamt downtown Frankfurt, Zeil 1.

In case by the 21st of February 2021 you did not receive your voting documents, you may ask until the 26th of February to be included in the electoral roll, see here.

If you opt to vote by absentee ballot, you may already apply for absentee ballots (DE).


Participation of all citizens in elections:

Participation in local elections is crucial for a vibrant society with active and interacting citizens, creating a future for all.

In Frankfurt, since 2006, a majority of 60% abstain from voting, we can do much better!

As for Europa Union Frankfurt, it is one of our main goals to connect and cooperate with all of Frankfurt's communities and social sectors. Only together can we build a strong future for Frankfurt.

Cooperation with candidates and parties:

We are ready to cooperate with all candidates of democratic political parties. We promote knowledge about the candidates, their goals for the elections, and their motivation to run as a candidate.

You will see videos and online interviews with candidates about their agenda, and we explain how the election takes place, how you can vote, and why it is so important. We will use all our social media platforms.

If you are a candidate running in one of the elections and would like to cooperate, please reach out to us:

  • What is in your view relevant in EU-policies for local authorities? How will you take action once you are elected?

  • Climate change and climate politics, technological changes through digitalization, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Biotech are rapidly changing our economy, particularly in Frankfurt. How will you mitigate those risks, and what is your agenda? How will you link your actions to EU initiatives?

  • How will you explain to your voters the relevance of EU-policies for Frankfurt citizens?

Europa Union Frankfurt (EUF) engages in local elections

EUF is an independent pro-European organization. The European Union has strong implications for the most important local policies. It needs to be an integrated part of local politics.

We are carried by citizens from Frankfurt and have NO political affiliation. Even though we do have some members from all democratic parties, our independence is our guiding principle.

Agenda of the European Union in local politics:

  • Public Health in Germany is managed by local offices for public health (Gesundheitsamt der Stadt Frankfurt). The Gesundheitsamt who traces the Covid-19 virus is also in charge of testing and delivering daily updated numbers to Berlin. The EU held in the second week of January 2020, a first emergency meeting on COVID to push member states for coordinated action. EU purchases vaccines and the vaccination is local.

  • European Green Deal determines local politics on public transport, sustainable construction, urban planning and economic development.

  • European Digital Agenda. The City of Frankfurt should provide schools with computers, build local networks, and support WIFI. The City of Frankfurt should digitalize its services. All services should be accessible to everybody.

  • European democracy and citizen participation. Democracy and participation start on the local level, where we engage as citizens for our hometown.

  • European employment and economic policy strongly influences urban planning, local infrastructure, and training of human resources. Such initiatives make a huge difference in economic development and are often supported by EU. In Frankfurt the labour market is continuously changing. Local politics need to adapt.


More information regarding local elections:


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